
Living the Spirit Filled Life is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dr. Hayford examines the Scriptures and draws life-changing principles to everyday life. The topics that are addressed cover the majority of what Christians face and point to the all-sufficient God who can overcome all obstacles. The Chapters include: Guidelines for Growing in Godliness, Steps to Holiness, and Lessons for Leaders. This workbook is an 8-week study containing 40 lessons that are...

Patience and Faith May 3 Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it. Numbers 13:30 Caleb saw the same giants and walled cities as the other spies, but the ten spies brought back a “bad report” of unbelief. Caleb, however, declared a conviction, a confession, before all Israel: “We are well able to overcome it.” He along with the others had carefully surveyed the land; he had seen, so his faith was not blind. Faith does not deny the reality of the difficulty;
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